
The dynatrace_extension.Metric class is mostly used internally to construct metrics that comply with the MINT protocol which is what Extension Framework uses to send event to the environment.

When the dynatrace_extension.Extension.report_metric() method is called, it builds a Metric object, which is. then added to the list of metrics to be sent to the environment. The class has a useful method called dynatrace_extension.Metric.to_mint_line() which allows you to convert the metric to a string that complies with the MINT protocol.


class dynatrace_extension.Metric(key: str, value: float | int | str | SummaryStat, dimensions: Dict[str, str] | None = None, metric_type: MetricType = MetricType.GAUGE, timestamp: datetime | None = None)[source]
to_mint_line() str[source]
validate() bool[source]