

dt-extensions-sdk requires only the following dependencies to be present in the environment.

  • Python >= 3.10

Installing from PyPI

dt-extensions-sdk can both be installed as a system wide package and as a dependency in a python project.

pip install dt-extensions-sdk[cli]

Once installed, the dt-sdk binary will become available in the PATH.

Core package

When installing dt-extensions-sdk[cli] with the optional set of dependecies called [cli], multiple additional packages which are required to make command line tools work will be installed. For example, such packages as typer[all], pyyaml, and dt-cli.

When extension is being built, these additional packages are ignored, because the core dependecy of every extension is just the dt-extensions-sdk itself. When the optioncal [cli] part is omitted, only the core package that is required to make any Python extension work on ActiveGate and OneAgent will be installed.