
$ dt-sdk run --help
 Usage: dt-sdk run [OPTIONS] [EXTENSION_DIR]                                    
 Runs an extension, this is used during development to locally run and test an  
 :param extension_dir: The directory of the extension, by default this is the   
 current directory :param activation_config: The activation config file, by     
 default this is activation.json :param fast_check: If true, run a fastcheck    
 and exits :param local_ingest: If true, send metrics to localhost:14499 on top 
 of printing them :param local_ingest_port: The port to send metrics to, by     
 default this is 14499 :param print_metrics: If true, print metrics to the      
╭─ Arguments ──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│   extension_dir      [EXTENSION_DIR]  [default: .]                           │
╭─ Options ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────╮
│ --activation-config                          TEXT     [default:              │
│                                                       activation.json]       │
│ --fastcheck                                                                  │
│ --local-ingest                                                               │
│ --local-ingest-port                          INTEGER  [default: 14499]       │
│ --print-metrics        --no-print-metrics             [default:              │
│                                                       print-metrics]         │
│ --help                                                Show this message and  │
│                                                       exit.                  │